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Alimony – How Is It Calculated In Maryland?

Alimony Calculated In Maryland

Alimony calculations can vary by jurisdiction and can be influenced by a variety of factors. In Maryland, alimony (also referred to as spousal support or maintenance) is determined on a case-by-case basis, and there isn’t a strict formula that applies universally. The court considers several factors when determining how alimony is calculated in Maryland, including:

  1. Length of the Marriage: Courts often consider the duration of the marriage. Generally, longer marriages might lead to more substantial alimony awards.
  2. Financial Need and Ability to Pay: The court evaluates the financial situation of both spouses. The spouse seeking alimony needs to demonstrate a genuine financial need, while the other spouse’s ability to pay is also taken into account.
  3. Standard of Living: The court considers the standard of living established during the marriage. The goal of alimony is often to help the lower-earning spouse maintain a similar lifestyle post-divorce.
  4. Age and Health: Age as well as the physical and emotional health of both spouses can play a role. For instance, a spouse with health issues might need more support.
  5. Contributions to the Marriage: The court assesses each spouse’s contributions to the marriage, both financial and non-financial. This can include factors like career sacrifices made for the sake of the family, homemaking, and childcare responsibilities.
  6. Earning Capacity: The earning potential of each spouse is considered. If one spouse has significantly higher earning capacity, it might influence the alimony decision.
  7. Educational Background and Training: The court may examine the education and vocational skills of the spouse seeking support. This can be relevant in cases where a spouse might need to update their skills to re-enter the workforce.
  8. Circumstances That Led to the Parties’ Divorce: The court can also consider the reason the parties are getting a divorce. Therefore, abuse or infidelity may impact an alimony award.
  9. Agreement of the Parties: In the event the parties have a written agreement, such as a prenuptial agreement, waiving their right to seek alimony, it can impact the court’s ability to grant an alimony award.
  10. Financial Resources of Both Parties: The court will also examine all financial resources each party has access to, regardless of whether or not those assets are marital property. So, if the requesting party has received a significant inheritance, it may impact whether or not they also receive alimony.
  11. Monetary Awards or Use and Possession: If the court grants a monetary award or grants use and possession of family property during the divorce, this may also determine whether or not alimony will be awarded.

If you are looking for help navigating the challenging process of divorce and seeking clarity on how alimony is calculated in Maryland, Jacobson Family Law can help. Our curated guide to securing your financial future will equip you with a complete and detailed understanding of alimony, with engaging and easy to comprehend information. To purchase Jacobson Family Law’s Securing Your Financial Future: The Essential Guide to Alimony, click HERE.

It’s important to note that Maryland law can change, and individual cases can have unique circumstances that affect alimony rulings. If you’re seeking accurate and up-to-date information about alimony calculations in Maryland, contact Jacobson Family Law at 443-741-1147 or Schedule a Consultation.